Sunday, 14 October 2007

Rugby: Gay gangbang or actual sport?

I kid, I kid.

Even though I was more for the former watching England KICKTHEABSOLUTESHYYYTOUTOFFRANCE just the other night.

I had never watched a full rugby match on t.v. until yesterday. In fact, I was blissfully oblivious until I saw the fatal word appear on my TV screen:


Ok, ok, ok. I am not racist, or a discriminator. I hate everyone equally. Buuuut I've never been one of those France fanatics to begin with, and being forced to learn Frances from ages 11-16 pretty much pushed me over the edge.

Actually let me back-track to that France fanatic thing. WHY? Why are some British people like...orgasmic over France? I could use a whole hand naming people who just love it...the culture...the language...the...the....big pointy thing....the.... crossiants? Je deteste le croissants. I suppose I will give the credit for their fashions. Clap clap Mr Dior.

But French mothers scare the living hell out of me. Period.

Ok back to the topic at hand.

Rugby. Muscular, sweaty men, duking it out to bring their respective countries pride that they can throw balls better than anyone else. If all the rugby players of the world got together, they could be the destroyer of worlds. Or at least good politicians.

I have to admit, the sport makes absolutely no sense to me. And it looked pretty messy - at least with football, I can remotely understand what is going on. But this seemed all...Charge of the Light Brigade-y to me.

Alright so you are probabley still wondering where the heck I got gay gangbang from. But I mean...chasing balls...pulling down men to the ground to get on top of them...sticking fingers up guys asses to 'distract' them (and yes, I DID see a French player do this to one of my homeboys last night.)...sweet sweet celebratory kisses...butt squeezes...after match baths.

Ok so they didn't show the last one, but you get the point. Considering rugby is an 'all man' sport, you must appreciate that, to an outsider like me, it really does look...all man...having fun.

Anyway, I will finish this off some other time. C:

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